Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Kelley's

I did some family pictures for my friend Autumn's sister. They are such a cute family and were so fun to work with. They were all such good sports. Talk about well- mannered kids...and some pretty darn cute ones at that! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to take your pictures!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I took some pictures for my sister-in-law yesterday. We had fun and she was such a great model. I think they turned out pretty cute. We were going for a young, fun, urban feel. If any of you have any good ideas for urban locations let me know. Isn't she gorgeous? I can hear the boys now..."sexy Lexi." She sure has grown into a beautiful young women inside and out and we just love her. She is such a great aunt to our boys too! They love her tons.